Ariel Malik

Capital Market News


Ariel Malik at "COSM" Site as Financial Entrepreneur and Investor

Ariel Malik at “COSM” Site as Financial Entrepreneur and Investor

Ariel Malik’s career has been marked by significant advancements in the Israeli high-tech and energy sectors, as he orchestrated deals with foreign financial companies and venture funds to bolster investments in Israeli startups and companies. Noteworthy among his achievements is his role in promoting the sale of Paradigm Geophysical to the Fox Paine Foundation, a …

Ariel Malik at “COSM” Site as Financial Entrepreneur and Investor Read More »


3 uses for recycled plastic by ariel malik

Recycled plastic is an essential source of re-materials and can be helpful in various fields. Here are three uses for recycled plastic: Production of disposable consumer products: recycled plastic is widely used as a raw material for producing disposable consumer products, such as cups, plates, etc. Having these items made from recycled plastic can significantly …

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Disadvantages of the electric motor over combustion engines

The electric motor offers many advantages, but some disadvantages are difficult to ignore. Here are some of the disadvantages of an electric motor over a gasoline or diesel engine: Driving range and charging time: electric motors need batteries for the energy supply, and their driving range can be limited relative to the charging time of …

Disadvantages of the electric motor over combustion engines Read More »


How does hydrogen gas affect the global economy?

Hydrogen gas is a natural gas consisting mainly of cylindrical gas (natural gas), and like other natural gas, like natural gas, affects the global economy in several ways: Energy supply Hydrogen gas is an important source of energy in the world. supports it as an outstanding marine fuel in respect and in it. It is …

How does hydrogen gas affect the global economy? Read More »
